Abengoa Bioenergy: a 5-Minute Guide

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Jim Lane

Abengoa Bioenergy Logo Location: St. Louis

Year founded:
USA – 1982
EU – 1998
Brazil – 2007

Type of technology(s):
a. Traditional fermentation of cereal grains and sugar cane for the commercial production of bioethanol

b. Traditional transesterification for the production of biodiesel from cereal and vegetable oils.

c. Multiple technology options for the commercial demonstration of cellulosic fuel production.

Fuel Type:
Bioethanol, biodiesel.

Major Investors

Abengoa is a public company, of which Abengoa Bioenergy is a wholly-owned subsidiary.  Abengoa trades in Madrid with the symbol ABG, and as ABGOF on the US Pink Sheets.

Past milestones:

New Facility start-ups
1. Biodiesel (San Roque, Spain)
2. France ethanol plant (55 MMGPY)
3. Indiana and Illinois grass-roots ethanol facilities (88 MMGPY each)
4. Biomass commercial demonstration facility at BCyL, Spain

Commenced construction:
5. Two 70-MW Cogen facilities at both Brazil facilities
6. 110 MMGPY ethanol facility in Rotterdam

Instituted GHG Inventory system to support Sustainability goal.
7. · EU Parliament approved Renewable Energy and Fuel Quality Directives.
8. Direct Blending of ethanol in Spain

Future milestones:

Completion of cellulosic biorefinery scheduled in Hugoton, KS in 2013

Business model:
Owner / Operator

Fuel cost:
Depends on feedstock cost and energy cost.

Competitive edge(s):
Distribution (own marketing company), economies of scale provides
low-cost, quality (only Fuel Ethanol company that is registered to
ISO-9001), locations (three continents), R&D investments.

Distribution, research, marketing or production partnerships or

Industrial Partners

• NatureWorks
• Novus International
• Monsanto
• Genencor
• Dyadic International (DYAI)


• Auburn University
• Kansas State University
• University of Concepción
• University of Buenos Aires
• Lund University
• University of Sevilla
• University of Nebraska

Research Centers

• Asociación de Investigación y Cooperación Industrial de Andalucía –
• Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y
Tecnologicas – CIEMAT
• National Renewable Energy Laboratory – NREL
• Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – PNL
• Argonne National Laboratory – ANL
• Instituto Catalysis y Petroquimicos – ICP
• Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon – ITA
• Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo en Automocion – CIDAUT
• Washington University – St. Louis

Commercial, pilot and demonstration.

Company website: http://www.abengoabioenergy.com/

Disclosure: None.
Jim Lane is editor and publisher  of Biofuels Digest where this article was originally published. Biofuels Digest is the most widely read  Biofuels daily read by 14,000+ organizations. Subscribe here.


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