The Purpose of this Site

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I have been recently thinking to myself, “What is the purpose of this site.” Originally I had grand plans about introducing people to this particular sector of stock investing. I think that alternative energy investing should be a part of your portfolio for several reasons. I feel we should support these companies so they can continue to grow and provide alternative ways to provide energy. I also feel that these companies are ideally poised for tremendous growth in the future as the technology matures. This growth usually means growth in the stock (and profits in your portfolio.) To that end I started this site to gave you ideas on where you can put your money in this sector. Well for 90% of the people looking to add alternative energy stocks in their portfolio, you should just put the money into the PowerShares Clean Energy ETF (PBW). PBW will give you some good exposure into this sector. In my personal portfolio I have allocated 25% of my money into this sector (my holdings in PBW are 20% of that total.) For the last couple of months this site has basically degraded into a news aggregation service for Alternative Energy Stocks. That was not my original intention, and keeping it updated with all the news stories has become a burden for me since I currently manage 20 investment sites for my current company, and about 5 other websites for my side hosting business. I also maintain 2 other personal blogs. All of this means I have little time to maintain this website. I know that there are readers to this website because of the amount of traffic it generates. I also receive frequent press releases and personal requests from some of these public companies to make sure they are mentioned. So here are my questions to the readers of this website.

  1. Do these news stories provide any value to your investing?
  2. Have you learned anything new by coming to this site?
  3. Is there an audience out there that is interested in investing in these companies rather than the PBW ETF?
  4. Are you looking for specific buy/sell/hold advice for these companies?
  5. How can this site be changed/updated to better suit your needs?
  6. Finally, is there anyone interested in becoming a contributing editor? This is your chance to be part of the blogging revolution. Without some help soon, this site will probably linger in obscurity for sometime.

Please feel free to submit a comment using the form below, or send me an e-mail. p.s. I just realized I have maintained this site for 1 year. Happy Anniversary to


  1. Thanks for all the hard work and research you put into this site. It is worth it, money wisely invested does make a difference. Recent events, including the disaster from hurricane Katrina, point out the necessity to have as many independent energy resources as possible.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Renewable energy is very important nowadays especially that the traditional energy sources are getting used up. It’s a good thing if there will be more number of investments for it.


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