DayStar Technologies Receives Technology Innovation of the Year Award in the CIGS Photovoltaic Cells Market

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DayStar Technologies Inc (DSTI) was awared the 2005 Technology Innovation of the Year Award in the field of copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) photovoltaic cells. Each year this Award is given to a company that has carried out new research, which has resulted in innovations that have brought, or are expected to bring, significant contributions to the industry in terms of adoption, change and competitive posture. This Award recognizes the quality and depth of a company’s research and development program along with vision and risk-taking efforts that enabled it to undertake such an endeavor. [ more ] It’s nice to see that the stock has been holding up here and is now back above $10 again and above the 200 day moving average. I’m seriously considering adding more of DSTI to the mutual fund at this level. I don’t think the stock is going to be running away to the upside at this point due to general market weakness, so I’m not going to be jumping in right now. I will watch it carefully over the next couple of days. For those that are interested in the general market trends, you may want to take a look at one person I trust and often agree with. Lock and Load


  1. It’s just a matter of time before investors learn the following facts about DSTI and this stock takes off.
    DayStar Technologies’s patented and proprietary products can eliminate cost, deployment and form factor objections that currently limit large, global scale adoption of photovoltaic products. The Company’s intellectual property can deliver value by:
    1. driving down costs at the factory capitalization level, through the supply chain and to the installed system level
    2. significantly reduce dependence on high cost materials which require complex processing
    3. reducing manufacturing complexity
    4. enabling scalable production methods which meet global supply requirements
    5. reducing deployment issues by using flexible metal substrates which enable new product form types
    6. decreasing logistics cost for moving Photovoltaic Foil ™ across global freight channels
    7. enabling large scale adoption of solar energy which reduces pollution, increases energy security and enables socially responsible energy choices
    8. permitting implementation of key Homeland Security and Military programs which remain on the drawing board because of weight, flexibility and cost issues of traditional fossil fuel and PV energy sources


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