The Week In Cleantech (June 8 – June 14) – Are Large Industrials Going to Consolidate Solar?

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On Tuesday, Eize de Vries at Renewable Energy World described the challenges of growth for us. A very detailed article on where the main tension points are in the global wind value chain. On Tuesday, Tate Dwinnell at Self Investors told us that wind ETFs were coming. At last North American can play wind directly. On Wednesday, Energy Tech Stocks informed us that a new FERC forecast indicates U.S. demand response firms should do well this summer. An interesting piece of insight from FERC, and noteworthy that demand response is increasingly seen as an effective peak load management strategy. On Thursday, David Appleyard at Renewable Energy World explained how inverters were continuing to push efficiency. A thorough article on an important piece of hardware for solar investors. ON Thursday, Katie Fehrenbacher at earth2tech told us that GE was becoming a prime investor in PrimeStar. Earlier this week, Richard Asplund discussed how large industrials were moving into solar. Many analysts predict a shakedown in solar, and big industrials are well positioned to consolidate the space.


  1. George:
    You claim that EnerNOC’s stock has been “rising”, without mentioning that it is down about 70% on January 2008 highs. Though things have certainly improved a bit in the past few weeks, you’d be hard pressed to feel very bullish on this security in the near term, unless volatility is your friend.
    Things aren’t much better for competitor Comverge, which is down some 60% on last fall’s highs.
    All and all, I agree that this is a sector with potential. But in the current market environment the going can be tough for companies without earnings, and that is what has happened to both of these stocks.


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