Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. Commences Blue Mountain Development Drilling

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Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. (NGLPF) announced that it has initiated development drilling at Blue Mountain Nevada. Production test data from the wells will be used to complete a feasibility study for an initial 30 MW geothermal power plant. In the initial program, four 13-inch diameter production wells will be drilled to 4000 feet (1200 metres) into the moderate temperature (300-330 degrees C) geothermal resource intersected in previous test holes. Permits have been obtained and drill pads are under construction. A water well rig will be used to drill the top 800 feet of each well and to set surface casing. A production drilling rig with a substructure to accommodate blow-out-prevention-equipment will then complete the holes to total depth. A suitable rig has been identified and is expected to be on site by the end of May. NGP expects to complete initial development drilling over the next six months. [ more ]


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