Starwood Hotels Expands Reliance on Fuel Cells

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Starwood Hotels & Resorts has expanded it use of fcel_logo.gifFuelcell Energy Inc (FCEL) Direct FuelCell power plants with an installation at the Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel.

Our use of fuel cells at Sheraton hotels has successfully reduced our energy costs while offering us quality power with strong environmental benefits, and we are eager to begin applying this formula to our Westin and other brand hotels,” said John Lembo, Director of Energy for Starwood. “With DFC installations at hotels on both coasts of the U.S., we are fulfilling our pledge to be the best business neighbors with a commitment to helping our environment while providing the highest quality of service to our guests.” [ more ]

There is a great deal of interest in large corporations looking for efficient and reliable onsite power generation. The use of clean technologies is also helpful in securing additional financial and regulatory support. FCEL has been doing a good job of going after this type of repeat business with existing customers. The various contracts with Starwood is a great example of this business practice.


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