American Stock Exchange to Trade Options on Seven PowerShares

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The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) will launch trading in options on Thursday, March 3, 2005 on the underlying shares of The PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio (PBW) will open with strike prices of 10-20 with one-point increments and position limits of 1,350,000 shares. The options will trade on the March expiration cycle with initial expirations in March, April, June and September. The specialist will be LaBranche Structured Products, LLC. PowerShares Wilderhill Clean Energy Portfolio is a closed-end fund incorporated in the USA. The Fund’s investment objective seeks to correspond to the price and yield of the Wilderhill Clean Energy Portfolio. [ more ] I purchased shares in PBW on the first trading day of this new ETF for one of my long term buy and hold accounts. I also trade options and was pleased to learn I can now either hedge my holdings, or try to accelerate my gains with this new tool. This morning on CNBC Jerry Castellini was talking about the real possiblity of $80 a barrel oil. If this ever happens, the future of AltE stocks is looking very good.